Ramon blue shirt

About Ramon

Born and raised on O'ahu, Ramon began playing ukulele in 4th grade. His first paid gig was at 17 playing for a formal dinner at a local McDonalds restaurant, linen tablecloths and all.

In 1996, he moved to the East Coast and began playing music with Halau O ‘Aulani under the direction of Kumu Hula Wayne Panoke. This is where he found his love of traditional Hawaiian and hapa haole music. (“Hapa Haole” music refers to songs of Hawai’i that are sung in English.)

Ramon has performed in many well-known venues in Hawai’i, throughout the mainland and internationally including:

  • Regularly appearing at Nico’s Pier 38 and Kailua
  • Pakele Live
  • The Kennedy Center for Performing Arts in Washington DC;
  • On the main stage during the opening of the Smithsonian National Museum of American Indians;
  • In Reims and Paris, France during the Joan of Arc Festival
  • For the Georgia O’Keefe art exhibit at the NY Botanical Garden
  • Annually at Mayor’s Cup Regatta for Access Sports America in Boston, MA
  • Bangladesh, Katmandu, and Dubai as a Cultural Attaché with the State Department